It’s time to make a presentation! But don’t worry, it’s not time to panic! It is possible to make good presentations, transmitting your research and maintaining an aesthetic alignment.

As a scientist, I know that a good presentation is extremely relevant to our research. It is there that we demonstrate what we research, discover, seek and of course, it must be didactic, simple, with a lot of content and also aesthetically pleasing.

There are many factors that influence a good presentation, especially if we are thinking about thesis defenses or lectures, every little detail can discredit the work we are trying to demonstrate. Sometimes  a wrong image, bad alignment, shaky speech or things like that, can overturn our presentation.

So, we separated some tips to help you in these moment:


Be sure of the  line you want to follow. Organize topics and build your presentation with a beginning, middle and end.


Work with images! Graphics, graphcal abstract, illustrations, are necessary resources to work not only on information, but also on the aesthetics of your research.


A presentation is not just made up of slides, don’t forget that you will be presenting to people and you need to communicate with them, not just read a text.


Deliver a road map from the beginning of the presentation. It is important for your audience to know where you are going to go throughout your exposure.

And of course, always keep in mind the time you have to speak!

By following these simple tips we know that you can achieve your goals and make a effective research presentation.

[If you need help to makr your presentation, count on us!]


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